Gold Sponsors

Hotline: +961-1-370602


Machinery Importers


Total Banks : 70


Total Companies : 83


Total Companies : 241

By Products

This table includes the names of factories producing a commodity --Of-a-Brix-value-not-exceeding-20

Nbr of industries : 18

Junet For Industry & Commerce sal
Whatsapp (961) : 03218456
Phone (961) : 08803900
Activity : All Kinds Of Juice
Lavelux Industrial Factories Ahmad Ataya
Whatsapp (961) : 03379555
Phone (961) : 05600006
Activity : Rose & blossom water-CANDLES-Syrups -Juice Vinegar
Cortas Canning & Refrigerating Co.sal
Whatsapp (961) : 76935093
Phone (961) : 09791343
Activity : Processing and Trading of Canned Food
Balkis sal
Whatsapp (961) : 03741900
Phone (961) : 01661790
Activity : Production & Distribution of Fresh Juices
Green Hill Factory sal
Whatsapp (961) : 03711118
Phone (961) : 07224520
Activity : Tahine - Halawa - Pickles
Libanjus-maccaw iceberg
Whatsapp (961) : 03307641
Phone (961) : 05467111
Activity : fruit juice- ice cream-chocolat
Ets. Etihad El Arabi-ـ JNE
Whatsapp (961) : 71169512
Phone (961) : 05950933
Activity : Industry and trade of juice, vinegar and pickles
Lebanese countryside for trade & industry
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03985047
Activity :
Conserves Modernes Chtaura sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01350378
Activity :
Olive Tree
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 81155555
Activity :
Stork Distribution sal
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 09218410
Activity :
Cedars Premium Food & Beverage sal
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 06542145
Activity :
Junal sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01898386
Activity :
Cedar Hells Co.
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05480379
Activity :
Lebanese Fruit Juice Co. - Bonjus sal
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01891200
Activity :
Al Shark Group Co. for Import & Export sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 06543179
Activity :
Adilco sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03889762
Activity :
Est.Hammoud for Commerce & Industry-Geliano
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03883217
Activity :
All Rights of Copying, Reproducing & Publishing is reserved to The Directory of Exports & Industrial Firms in Lebanon Issued by Industrial Directory Co. sarl” IDICO”