Gold Sponsors

Hotline: +961-1-370602


Machinery Importers


Total Banks : 70


Total Companies : 83


Total Companies : 241

By Products

This table includes the names of factories producing a commodity Liqueurs-and-Cordials

Nbr of industries : 17

Chateau Kefraya
Whatsapp (961) : 03322006
Phone (961) : 08645333
Activity : Alcohol
Fabissa Co. sarl
Whatsapp (961) : 03808368
Phone (961) : 08931234
Activity : Alcoholic Drinks
Societe Wadih Kassatly pour l'industrie el le comm
Whatsapp (961) : 03514961
Phone (961) : 01396015
Activity : Food industry
National Professional Distillation
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 08955015
Activity :
Domaine des Tourelles -Arak Brun sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 08540114
Activity :
The Wine Teller
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 04722602
Activity :
Chateau Khoury
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 08807141
Activity :
Chateau Nakad
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 08540191
Activity :
Valet La Martine Co.
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05456259
Activity :
Al Cart sal
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 04295621
Activity :
E T T S Co.- Elias Tanios Touma & sons sal
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 08500609
Activity :
Georges Jammal & Sons Co. sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01683077
Activity :
Dakhna Company sarl - Chateau Rayak
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 08920093
Activity :
Vigna Verde sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01489088
Activity :
Cavino sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 70948233
Activity :
Commerce & Industry Raja Kortbawi Co.
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01283737
Activity :
Wadihco sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 09218592
Activity :
All Rights of Copying, Reproducing & Publishing is reserved to The Directory of Exports & Industrial Firms in Lebanon Issued by Industrial Directory Co. sarl” IDICO”