Gold Sponsors

Hotline: +961-1-370602


Machinery Importers


Total Banks : 70


Total Companies : 83


Total Companies : 241

By Products

This table includes the names of factories producing a commodity ---Broad-beans-(Vicia-faba-var.-major)

Nbr of industries : 8

Elias Al Saydanawi And Sons Est
Whatsapp (961) : 03610368
Phone (961) : 03610368
Activity : All kinds of grains, fodder, and all agricultural crops Grinding it, packaging it, and everything that comes from it
Atallah General Trading
Whatsapp (961) : 0
Phone (961) : 07224231
Activity : General trade - packaging all kinds of grains
Al Jamal sons for Trading and Industry S.a.r.l
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 06381799
Activity :
Al Sheikh
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03168016
Activity :
Money Foods Company
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 09235484
Activity :
Castana W Loz
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 81504645
Activity :
Yana Trading Est
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 70123524
Activity :
Our Seasons for Food Industries S.A.L
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03021120
Activity :
All Rights of Copying, Reproducing & Publishing is reserved to The Directory of Exports & Industrial Firms in Lebanon Issued by Industrial Directory Co. sarl” IDICO”