Industrial resilience and creative success
A project loyal to the principles of the
industrial school
Since the emergence of industry in the modern history of Lebanon, the Lebanese industrialists endeavored to create a national dimension cause relevant to the introduction of the product, giving it a special identity, and promoting it with its added to showcase its heritage, in a set of quality,
excellence, elegance, leadership and creativity.
Practically, industrialists worked hard to communicate with various local, Arab and international stakeholders, and raised the bright national production. Our factories do not produce a commodity only but an integrated embodiment of a way of life and love for it. It is the concept of Lebanese creativity, Lebanese risk, and of Lebanese ambition, which shaped all in their own mix and flavor, the Lebanese industrial dream.
Despite the fact that we have and are still facing as manufacturers many
impediments with intransigence and determination, we did not neglect the
marketing and promotion as they are backbones in this sector. The Association of Lebanese Industrialists endeavored together with the Ministry of Industry
and activated its imports and organized exhibitions and opened means of
cooperation with the Industrial Research Institute and the European-Lebanese Center for Industrial Modernization, the Arab world, the European Common Market, competent consulates and embassies as well as competent authorities in African, Asian, and American continents.
In this context, we had to face without surrendering paralysis and disruption and we deemed on the other hand necessary to adapt to globalization, open exchange of information, enhance communication and to develop plans for distribution and marketing, thereby allowing hundreds of millions to see the specificities and features of our industrial production.
This trend reinforced in a documentary-scientific manner, the Directory of
exports and industrial firms in Lebanon. Therefore, it provided to us a brilliant competitive leverage in promoting the Lebanese industry and other supporting economic sectors in Lebanon and abroad and in the local and foreign markets.
Operations related to research, documentation and field surveys are
investment-related needs. Peak levels of GDP growth went always
together with creative obvious achievements in this sector.
This applies to the Directory issued in Arabic and English, which was
concretized through a field survey encompassing the Lebanese territories
and covering 6208 industrial firms. This Directory constitutes the main
reference for Lebanese industry. It is uploaded on the website and occupies a prominent position on the search engine Google and international websites, which gave impetus to highlight the Lebanese industry and made it accessible to millions.
We highly thank the entities who printed and distributed it and express all our wishes of success for this project loyal to the principles of the industrial school, which believes that the first and most important message for a better society lies in a creative production which will help in bursting the energies of
Lebanese citizens within their country, without migrating, and in transforming our own successes into collective ones and national creativity. Good luck.