Gold Sponsors

Hotline: +961-1-370602


Machinery Importers


Total Banks : 70


Total Companies : 83


Total Companies : 241

By Products

This table includes the names of factories producing a commodity Other

Nbr of industries : 10

Societe Libanaise pour L'industrie - Jean Anid & F
Whatsapp (961) : 03299002
Phone (961) : 01684890
Activity : Manufacturing of Plain & Printed Tin Container
Zincorgraph Rama Gravure
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01630888
Activity :
Super sign
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 07346819
Activity :
Inter-Printing Industries- IPI
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05400611
Activity :
Doniguian Printing House
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03270475
Activity :
Chamas for Printing & Publishing sal
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01707735
Activity :
Nasr Zincopress Co.
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05508820
Activity :
Photogravure Luxe
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01243006
Activity :
Al Batroun Printing Press
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 06740439
Activity :
Factory & Zincograph Stamps Of Sabra Bros.
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01658702
Activity :
All Rights of Copying, Reproducing & Publishing is reserved to The Directory of Exports & Industrial Firms in Lebanon Issued by Industrial Directory Co. sarl” IDICO”