Gold Sponsors

Hotline: +961-1-370602


Machinery Importers


Total Banks : 70


Total Companies : 83


Total Companies : 241

By Products

This table includes the names of factories producing a commodity Of-jute-or-of-other-textile-bast-fibres-of-heading-No.-53.03

Nbr of industries : 12

Packing Co. sarl
Whatsapp (961) : 76410400
Phone (961) : 70410400
Activity : Production of Materials & Supplies for Packaging & Packing
K-Pack Group
Whatsapp (961) : 03436609
Phone (961) : 01257521
Activity : Import, export and manufacture of all packaging and wrapping supplies made of cardboard, cloth, plastic and nylon
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01890908
Activity :
interneeds ltd
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05804197
Activity :
ideal for industry
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05430390
Activity :
Al-Maski Brothers Trading Co
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01370858
Activity :
Take Back Co.
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01452744
Activity :
Flexible Packaging Industries-FPI sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 09796280
Activity :
ICube For Packaging And Graphic Design
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 05808468
Activity :
Ezzeddine Group sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03607435
Activity :
Net Print sarl
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01875544
Activity :
Narjs Printing & Packging- NPP
Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 01275470
Activity :
All Rights of Copying, Reproducing & Publishing is reserved to The Directory of Exports & Industrial Firms in Lebanon Issued by Industrial Directory Co. sarl” IDICO”