Importers of industrial machinery and raw materials in the Lebanese Republic This sector includes lists of names of a number of companies importing industrial and large machinery and raw materials with their addresses and activities, a list of all companies
Number of companies : 3
Importers of industrial machinery and raw materials in the Lebanese Republic
Companies | Activity | Governorate | Area | Location | Phone (961) | |
Bedson Middle East sarl | Mount Lebanon | Kesrwan - Balouneh | Map | 09231570 | Activity | |
Mashrek Agriculture | Mount Lebanon | Aley - Khalde | Map | 03755215 | 05808113 | Activity |
Raef Harb Sons Commercial Co. Whatsapp (961) :
Phone (961) : 03247454 Governorate : South Lebanon Area : Tyr Location : Map |
South Lebanon | Tyr | Map | 03247454 |